J. Peder Zane’s extended ad hominem attack (“The
Orwellian Leftist Foes of Fracking in NC” News & Observer, Jan. 13,
2015) on people that question the claims of fracking proponents lacks as much
credibility as it does civility. He
maligns reports from the State of New York’s extensive study that are thoroughly
supported by scientific literature and were in fact reviewed by independent public
health consultants-as a secondary form of peer review.
In contrast, Zane’s critique lacks any specifics, except when it comes
to name-calling.
Zane’s redbaiting is not much different from that previously
presented by Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer
described “an ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous knowledge class -- social
planners, scientists, intellectuals, experts and their left-wing political
allies -- arrogated to themselves the right to rule.” After the fall of
communism and the decline of socialism, Krauthammer posits that the “knowledge
class” is using environmentalism to impose a new religion of Gaia, with its
priests demanding carbon chastity. “Now the experts will regulate your life not
in the name of the proletariat or Fabian socialism but -- even better -- in the
name of Earth itself.” So the Red Menace is now the Green Menace.
Greenbaiting is the new redbaiting. Both Krauthammer and Zane see in
the climate policy debate, the red menace seeking to have us sign away our freedoms. Thus we get ad hominem attacks on anyone who
wants to control carbon dioxide and methane pollution or who urges caution on
fracking rules. Orwell had a term for
this tactic: the daily Two Minute Hate.
New York’s decision was careful, methodical and
scientifically sound. When natural gas
prices began to climb in 2008, companies began snatching up lease rights in
upstate New York around the Marcellus shale.
This activity prompted New York to revise its oil and gas permits to
reflect the new concerns raised by the new technology. New York officials produced a report
detailing the environmental impacts of fracking and associated oil and gas
development, called by its acronym SGEIS.
New York’s SGEIS
was the most comprehensive study of the scientific, engineering and policy
considerations related to fracking undertaken in the United States. The State of New York’s Department of Health
reviewed the SGEIS and additional scientific studies cited, reviewed and
discussed extensively in their
report commenting on the SGEIS. Experts in public health from other states
were consulted by New York who reached the same conclusions: fracking has not
been proven safe to public health.
New York explicitly embraced the precautionary principle:
that a new activity which carries some risk to public health should not be
allowed until science can prove that it is safe. Dr. Howard Zucker, New York’s Acting Health
Director, said that until the science provides sufficient information to
determine the level of risk to public health from fracking to all New Yorkers
and whether the risks can be adequately managed, the Department of Health
recommends that fracking should not proceed in New York. This is not an anti-science approach, but
rather a policy decision that public health should be protected while science
develops. It is a policy choice that
puts public health above short-term profits which angers those seeking to make
a fast buck.
Rather than embrace the precautionary principle, North
Carolina’s General Assembly has chosen to conduct an experiment on human
subjects, by legalizing fracking and by promoting North Carolina as a fracking
destination. Just a few years ago, some
conservatives were urging caution on fracking in North Carolina. October 10, 2011, DENR conducted a
public hearing in
Sanford, North Carolina, where two noted conservative lawmakers urged caution:
“We need this information so we can develop either the best reason to frack
with the best law in the nation, or not to frack at all.” Just a few
months later, former Representative Mitch
Gillespie was serving at NC DENR defending the policy preferences of
Halliburton to prohibit the government from knowing which chemicals they
planned to use in hydraulic fracturing. Representative
Gillespie’s position was scientific, while Secretary Gillespie’s position
surrendered to the oil and gas lobby.
Not all conservatives are anti-science, nor are all
conservatives pro-fracking. Some conservatives and many Republicans are
concerned about climate change and fossil fuels. Consider the case of Bob Inglis, former
Republican Representative from South Carolina. Student organizers from
Duke invited him to give the keynote at a 2012 symposium: “Conservative
Visions of Our Environmental Future.” Inglis told the folks at
the Duke conference that there were conservative responses to the dangers posed
by climate change. Climate change denial is not common among younger
conservatives. A recent study of
Republican voters finds a vigorous difference of views on climate change,
showing that more
than half supported regulation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant. Even those conservatives who favored lifting
the ban on fracking may oppose the use of forced pooling on grounds of
libertarian principle, as Dr. Roy Cordato did
in 2013.
The lawsuit Zane references
does not declare fracking a nuisance, but challenges the composition of the
Mining and Energy Commission as unconstitutional, a very similar claim to the
one brought by Governor Pat McCrory against the Coal
Ash Commission. The website
Zane references for his claim that that the earth is not warming is run by a staffer
of the Heartland Institute who has published no scientific papers and who has no college degree
at all. Rational examination of the
science, engineering and policy implications of fracking leads many to promote
caution about fracking and some to oppose it altogether.
Zane should check his facts before labelling these critics as more anti-science than Young Earth Creationists: New York’s SGEIS is nothing like “Of Pandas and People.”
Orwellian doublespeak is alive and well in the world of
environmental science policy, but is being promoted by supporters of the oil
and gas lobby, not fracking opponents. A prime proponent of pro-drilling doublespeak is Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah’s Second District. In support of his recently passed bill,
ironically captioned the “EPA Science
Advisory Reform Act of 2014,” Rep.
Stewart opined about EPA’s Science Advisory Board that: ” It’s critical that we
have a balanced panel of experts operating in an open and transparent way.” But, his bill actually requires that
scientists who have published scientific studies be recused from advising on
any scientific issues related to their own work, while simultaneously clearing
the way for folks to comment on science when they have a financial conflict of
interest. In other words, Rep. Stewart’s
proposed “balanced panel of experts” reform puts the scientific experts on the
sidelines at EPA’s Science Advisory Board while clearing paid industry
lobbyists of conflicts of interest.