week the North Carolina General Assembly proved true the old aphorism about counting
votes: it is the people who count the votes who decide everything, not those
who cast them. For the better part of
the past decade, North Carolina utilities have been complying with a piece of
legislation referred to as Senate
Bill 3, which included among other provisions a renewable portfolio
standard provision or RPS. This
provision of legislation was enacted after a lengthy process of negotiation which
arrived at a consensus RPS.
Carolina’s RPS has been wildly
successful as well explained by Robin Smith’s excellent blog. By every measure you
can reckon, the RPS has achieved a number of important long term
objectives. The only people who do not
like the REPS appear to climate change deniers, young earth creationists and
John Locke Foundation columnists. In other words, the base of the current
legislative leadership objects to North Carolina’s RPS because it violates
their hobby horse theories about renewable energy generally. The facts do not support their claims.
original bill capped the RPS costs to consumers at $1 per month. Please note that this type of cap does not apply
to any other form of energy subsidized by Utilities Commission. Contrary to statements by Senator Harry
Brown, all forms of energy used by state-regulated utilities are subsidized by
the regulated monopoly structure of our Utilities Commission. Any investments by utilities in generation
assets are subsidized by rates paid by all customers set by the Commission including
a profit margin for the utilities constructing the plants.
that consensus
is under attack, including some people who voted for the original bill. The opponents of the RPS lost a key vote
two weeks ago. Rather than making
their case,
they ran the same bill again and this time the Chairman of the Committee declared
that the ayes had it on a voice vote and gavelled the meeting closed before
recognizing members who objected.
the REPS has increased the percentage of energy that is produced entirely in
North Carolina. This has positive economic
effects throughout North Carolina. Most
of the new solar installation has been done by North Carolina’s small
businesses in the energy sector. FLS Energy of Asheville has grown steadily, investing more than $70 million into North Carolina and creating scores of jobs. Some of
this growth is due to the RPS, but much of it is driven by demand from industry
and the military.
the REPS has kept costs down of electricity for consumers. Duke Power filed application to rebate
customers money due to the lower costs of implementation than expected. Instead of hitting the $1 per month cap promised, the utilities have placed 3% of their electricity into renewables for less than $.25 per month and the cost is going down, hence the rebate.
New power plants using coal or nuclear fuel
are very expensive to construct. These
plants only make sense to build for very large increases in demand as they can
only be built on a large scale. The REPS allows
utilities to recover costs for meeting smaller increases in demand as they
occur, rather than forcing all customers to pay now for demand that may not
come for decades. North Carolina utilities which invested
too heavily in nuclear plants in the late 1970s have foisted a large
bill on their customers that still lingers
today. These customers would love to have seen increases to their monthly bills limited as the REPS was to less than a dollar a month.
the REPS has environmental benefits that are impressive. Many miles of North Carolina’s surface waters
are impaired
for mercury contamination. This mercury
contamination makes fish
to eat and damages the nervous systems of fish themselves. A significant amount of mercury comes from
burning coal. Nuclear plants in the
United States produce prodigious amounts of high level radioactive waste. No safe place to store that
waste has been found. Instead, we keep
it piling up at our active nuclear power plants.
energy does not emit mercury. Nor does
it produce radioactive waste. It is far
more efficient and far more reliable than it was twenty years ago. Growing economies are embracing the solar
technology as they expand. So why is
Senator Brown opposed to solar? His constituents
include many active duty Marines. The Marine Corps has invested heavily in solar
energy in order to protect soldiers’ lives. There is now healthy service rivalry over who
can develop the best
solar systems.
see little to gain from the solar revolution and are using politics to stop it
in the United States. Solar is not vulnerable
to the supply disruptions
or price market manipulation as commodity-based energy swings. OPEC cannot cartel the Sun. Investment banks have not figured out how to
tranche the Sun. No one has yet taken a
hedge position on the Sun.
is more dangerous than voter fraud because the result actually subverted the
will of the elected
majority on that committee.
A single voter cannot swing a major
election. A single chairman can swing a
bill through and has done so, blatantly disregarding the principles of one
person, one vote in the General Assembly itself.
solar energy is patriotic. Oorah!
Great post! The General Assembly is always good for laughs or tears depending on whether it is viewed as a soap opera or real life. I look forward to keeping up with the blog!